Jan 29, 2012


Anthology of Faeries currently has a few more entries, however they have not been updated  online as of yet. I am wondering if I should perhaps wait until publishing before releasing the chapters.

We have a few more additional staff members, and I would like to thank them very much!

I hope to work with them in making the Celtic Rose Project a wonderful thing!

Sep 28, 2011

Need staff!

EEE!!  I have noticed how small our staff really is. >.<  We are currently looking for new betas, editors and artists, so if anyone would be interested in the position please feel free to send an email at:


Please tell us in your email what you are interested in. :)  If you are an artist, please send us a portfolio of your work! 

We look forward to your emails!

~Aislinn Riley

Sep 27, 2011

The Earth Horse

One of my close friends, who is also responsible for introducing me to the world of fae, has written a short story for herself.  It is a beautiful work about a kelpie! This is a highly recommended read, especially if you like Anthology of Faeries! 

This short story will most likely appear in my anthology as a bonus addition.

The temporary cover is one of my book cover trial creations. ^.^